Houston Oil M etering and Enterprise, LLC – HOME was formed in 2015 with main attention focus on servicing the needs and challenges of both upstream and downstream oil and gas companies from design concept to successful delivery and installation of a cost effective, comprehensive solution for the most demanding metering, delivery and distribution systems, from oil field to refined products.

HOME was founded in Houston Texas by knowledgeable and experienced personnel familiar with the dynamically changing oil and gas industry process requirements. HOME staff is ready and eager to provide a one stop integrated and customized, fit for purpose, solution to customer specific complex and diverse demands.
HOME in-house expertise specializes in developing and implementing cost conscious innovation of the most advance technology that ensures long term customer success at the least capital investment.
Main product offering: Engineering and assembly of skid mounted metering system, custody transfer metering and proving, and others.
Main Services offering: FEED (Front End Engineering Development) Studies, PFD, P&ID, calculation and sizing of metering, utilities and delivery systems, and much more.